Whether you are an attorney, a judge, a citizen in need, or a philanthropist – welcome – we are here to co-create a more inclusive and equitable society with you. If you align with our mission, we invite you to explore the many ways to take action with us.
Whether you are an attorney, a judge, a citizen in need, or a philanthropist – welcome – we are here to co-create a more inclusive and equitable society with you. If you align with our mission, we invite you to explore the many ways to take action with us.
Whether you are an attorney, a judge, a citizen in need, or a philanthropist – welcome – we are here to co-create a more inclusive and equitable society with you. If you align with our mission, we invite you to explore the many ways to take action with us.
To report misappropriation, fraud, waste, or abuse of public funds, travel to the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s website: https://www.lla.la.gov/report-fraud
1615 Poydras Street, Suite 1000
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
Phone: 504-561-1046
Fax: 504-566-1926
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